About Me

Welcome to pdaphal.blogspot.com

Hi Friends,

My name is Prassann Daphal, the author of pdaphal.blogspot.com (The Excel Blog). I am a part-time blogger and I have been blogging since 2014. This is a knowledge sharing blog that, i have been designing and publishing since i started blogging.

I believe "Knowledge Grows When Shared", so in my all blogs i intend to share information, tips, references that would help my readers.

I am passionate about Technology and Internet and also, I like to explore more on these subjects. Online tools, web application, new website services, useful software's are available at plenty on the internet and i like to try, test and experiment on them.

On pdaphal.blogspot.com i share my views on these and also some tips and tricks that could be useful to my blog readers.

At The Excel Blog, I am trying to share the knowledge, which can be used or implemented in your day to day business. I share the knowledge which is already implemented and tested. This knowledge can be directly implemented, in some of the similar problems you may be facing in your day to day business.

Why Excel Blog ?
Well, I try to ensure that the information provided on pdaphal.blogspot.com is crisp, short and precise. It is not very lengthy or theoretical. 

Also, the main motivation to write this blog was, i lost all my vba tricks and few automated tools on one of my hard disk crash incident and i was not able to recover the data.

This is when the idea of creating pdaphal.blogspot.com strike. This blog will not only help me to keep the tricks i have learned safe, also it will help the people across globe to make use of them freely.

Independence or Freedom is a essential part of a blog, as this blog is not sponsored or affiliated to any organisation or enterprise and the content on this blog is highly unbiased and factual.

That's it from me, hope you are enjoying my articles at pdaphal.blogspot.com. Do send in me your feedback and opinions on my articles or blog via contact page at the bottom of this site, or through my social network links.

Public Profile



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