Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Must know tips in Excel ?

Tips for Navigation

1. Press [Ctrl] + [Home] and it will takes you to cell A1

2. Press [Ctrl] + [End] and it will take you to the last data cell in your worksheet

3. Press [Ctrl] + [PgDn] to move to next sheet

4. Press [Ctrl] + [PgUp] to move to previous sheet

5. The control buttons on the down left corner of the sheet tabs lets you

navigate through sheets. You can right-click on these control buttons and from the resulting menu you can select the sheet you want to view.
6. Press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to move to the next window (i.e. to next open workbook)

7. The Status Bar, at the very bottom of the screen usually says Ready in the lower lefthand corner. It provides us with useful informations. One of the useful feature is that when a block of cells is selected the SUM of the cells will appear in the Status Bar. Right-click the SUM in the Status Bar and you can choose another available functions to apply to the selected cells. You can't do anything with this result, however, except view it in the Status Bar.

8. View à Split or View à Freeze Panes will divide the window above and to the left of the current cell pointer position. This will allow column and /or row headers to remain displayed in one section of the window while you can scroll and move through data in another section of the window.
You can also split the window by dragging the little gray bar above the up arrow in the vertical scroll bar and /or the little gray bar to the right of the right arrow in the horizontal scroll bar.

9. With View à Arrange All option you can arrange the open workbooks with the below options :
Tiled | Horizontal | Vertical | Cascade

10. With View à Switch Window Option you will be able to see all open workbooks in the dropdown. From here you can directly select the workbook you need to view.

Note - all tips are tested for Microsoft Excel 2010

Tips for Selecting Cells

1. Hold [Ctrl] while using mouse to select the cells it will help you to select a random / non-contiguous block of cells

2. Click the mouse once in the upper lefthand corner cell in the block of data you want to select, then hold the [Shift] key down when you click the mouse on the cell at the the lower righthand corner of your block. This will select all the data in the range of cells.

3. Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [down arrow] to select the range of cells in a column in downward directed from the selected cell.

4. Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [up arrow] to select the range of cells in a column in upward direction from the selected cell.

5. Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [right arrow] to select the range of cells in a row in right direction from the selected cell.

6. Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [left arrow] to select the range of cells in a row in left direction from the selected cell.

7. Press [Ctrl] + [*] or [Ctrl] + [A]  to select cuurent block of data. This selected block of data can be moved with the help of mouse to some other location. Also, if you press [Ctrl] while moving the data, this will copy the data to other location.

Note - all tips are tested for Microsoft Excel 2010

Formatting the Cells

1. You can use the Format | Conditional Formatting to check the different logical conditions and highlight the cells based on that. e.g. error checking (invalid values can show in the formmatting we have selected)
2. In conditional formatting, If you have specified multiple conditions, then the conditions will be evaluated from the top of the list. Once the cell satisfies a condition it applies that formatting and doesn't continue down through the rest of the possible conditions.

3. To find cells that are formatted with Conditional Formatting use Edit | Go To... | Special and choose the Conditional formats radio button.

4. To find cells with identical conditional formats to the selected cell, click Same below Data validation.

5. To find cells with any conditional formats, click All below Data validation.

6. Tools | Options | Calculation | Precision as Displayed  checkbox can prevent you from falling into a potentially embarrassing "rounding error" situation 
7. You can transpose your columns to rows or rows to columns? Copy the data you want to transpose, go to Home | Paste | Paste Special dialog box | click on Transpose check box and then OK.

8. Home | Clear will provide you with different options to clear the selected cells. i.e, Clear All | Clear formats | Clear contents | Clear comments | Clear Hyperlinks

9. There may be certain portions of the worksheet that you'd like to protect from any possible changes. By default all the cells in the worksheet are locked but the locks are ignored. Review | Protect Sheet activates recognition of the locks. Before using Protect Sheet you would unlock all the cells you want to be able to edit when the rest of sheet is protected. Select Cells, Format | Cells | Protection tab and uncheck the default lock. Then use Review | Protect Sheet.

10. If most of your cells are going to be unprotected with just a few protected
Use [Ctrl] + [A] to select all the cells in the sheet Format | Cells | Protection tab and uncheck the default lock. Select the cells you DO want to protect Format | Cells | Protection tab and CHECK the lock back on
Review | Protect Sheet

Note - all tips are tested for Microsoft Excel 2010

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